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Market Gardening in February, by The Dutch Farmer
Kale in February
Credits: image taken from The Dutch Farmer’s vlog

What was true in January is still applicable in February. However, during the month of February, we’re seen at the end of the winter's tunnel. Moreno will go into more depth about Market Gardening for this month.

Thanks to Moreno for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on The Dutch Farmer’s channel.

Jeremie LitzlerAbout 5 minGardeningThe Dutch FarmerIn February
7 Most Productive Edible Crops to Sow in February, by Huw Richards
Planting seeds into modules
Credits: image taken from Huw Richards’ vlog

Even if you know it might be a little too early, it’s hard to resist starting sowing seeds. Huw shares with us what we can sow in February.

Thanks to Huw Richards for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Huw Richards’ channel.

Jeremie LitzlerAbout 4 minGardeningHuw RichardsIn February