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JavaScript30 - Course review


The course helps strengthen your skills with the new features available in JavaScript (ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 and beyond) as well as with the good old features in the span of 30 challenges (one per day if you can). Oh, by the way, it is free!


The course can be found on You just need a good Visual Studio Code or your favorite code editor.

Jeremie LitzlerAbout 2 minWeb FundamentalsCourse reviews1-Month challenge,Learning JavaScript,Fun projectsJavaScript
The Responsive Web Design Bootcamp - Course review


The course is about web responsive design using HTML and CSS.

The topics covered are comprehensive, yet not all is covered (I will detail later on).


The course is taught on Scrimba, an interactive course platform with tons of free courses already and many paid courses that, in my opinion, are really worth it, at least for this course I am reviewing.

Jeremie LitzlerAbout 4 minWeb FundamentalsCourse reviewsResponsive DesignCSSHTML